Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Running Of The Bulls

The running of the bulls is a tradition that Spain does every year.

The running of the bulls is an event that goes for 9 days. They chase the bulls down a road, the streets are all cornered off, people standing by as they watch the bulls being chased. Some people like to join in and run in front of the bulls. People get run over and trampled. The bulls get furious and confused and run until they reach a bull fighting ring or run into water.

Most people think it’s funny others are totally against it. So have your opinion! Do you think that they should stop the running of the bulls or keep the tradition going? Is this animal cruelty? Give reasons why you think so.

By Seth & Tayla


  1. I reckon its crack up cause people get smashed just to honour someone.But it is sad for the bulls cause they end up in water and drown

  2. I think that the running of the bulls is silly, because people could get badly injured or die

  3. I think that the running of the bulls should be band for safety and its animal cruelty

  4. It is sad and cruel to both human and bulls because the bulls are killed/drowned afterwards and people get hurt and sometimes killed themselves.

  5. I think the running of the bulls is cruel because the bulls run into water at the end of the street and later on that day have to fight in a bull fight then die. So the bulls have a very cruel life.

  6. I think running of the bulls is cruel because after the bulls have finished the running they get chased in to the water or in to a bull arena and they probably die so the bulls live a real cruel life after all. I think they should stop running of the bulls all together.

  7. Hahaha not funny. (:
    I think that its stink for the bulls 'cause they go in the water at the end, and obviousally, they cant swim,
    I think that it is animal cruelty and its unfair. (:

  8. Running Of The Bulls.
    I think the running of the bulls is cruel.
    All this does is maybe drown the bulls when they run them into the water, and make them even more angry than they already are.
    Because the people that do it are stupid because if they get run over by the bulls then its their fault.
    They should stop this cruelty to animals just for our enjoyment.
    Im TOTALLY against it and I think it should be stopped immediately.

  9. Heeeeeeeey Mickayla here nice topic Tayla and Seth i think that they should stop running of the bulls because to me its animal cruelty and so many people get hurt from it.

  10. i think its not very safe maby they should have a age limit or somthing because lots of little kids would get badly injurd

  11. the running of the the bulls i think its cruel because the bulls chase after people and imagine you in there shoes would you like it
    ? by samson

  12. The running of the bulls
    The running of the bulls should be banned. It is so cruel to the bulls because they have to suffer during this traditional event. The humans think it is hilarious... Well they need to imagine themselves as a bull. They should they like it NO. They should be stopping this no doubt about it . It is animal cruelty .

  13. i think running of the bulls is cruel because the bulls dont want to hurt anyone but have to and end up drowning or dying which is sad!

  14. I think that the running of the bulls is cruel. The bulls are miss treated and their lives are full of hate. They don’t know who to trust.

  15. I’m totally against running of the bulls. It’s cruel to the bulls making them run into water because they might drown.
    So many people get badly injured when they do it. Running of the bulls should be illegal.
