Friday, September 24, 2010

The Country

I love the smell of fresh country air
The paddocks the cows and the gumboots I wear
The stench the smell I don’t mind the sensational smell of the country wine
The sound of rivers and streams near by
The sound of oinks coming from the pig sty
Juice runs down my chin from my home grown fruit
As my uncle drives by in his old rugged Ute
I like the mud oozing through my toes
As I rest on the hill for my afternoon doze
So as I say I love the country so natural and beautiful, in every way
By Tayla Wells & Sarah Mason

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dog Fighting

Dog fighting is a contest in which two dogs are specifically bred and trained to fight then they are placed in a pit to fight each other. People pay to see these dogs fight. This is an event that people gamble over. Fights normally go for an hour in length and sometimes last more than two hours. Dog fights end when one of the dogs will not or cannot continue. There have been reports of an increase in illegal street dog fighting in some areas
Is this animal cruelty? Have your say on this hot topic and give reasons for your opinion.

Tayla Wells

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Running Of The Bulls

The running of the bulls is a tradition that Spain does every year.

The running of the bulls is an event that goes for 9 days. They chase the bulls down a road, the streets are all cornered off, people standing by as they watch the bulls being chased. Some people like to join in and run in front of the bulls. People get run over and trampled. The bulls get furious and confused and run until they reach a bull fighting ring or run into water.

Most people think it’s funny others are totally against it. So have your opinion! Do you think that they should stop the running of the bulls or keep the tradition going? Is this animal cruelty? Give reasons why you think so.

By Seth & Tayla